Page name: The Elfpack Mafia [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-15 03:42:58
Last author: Lust
Owner: Lust
# of watchers: 41
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Thank you for being patient with the Mafia. We are now back and ready to fuckin kill. Join our family and be the best in all of elfpack, if not, you are our enemy. Prepare, to simply die.

The Mafia Family

New's on positions!
[Lust] - Don
[Blinded Seraphim] - Vice Don
[James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!] - Recruiter, Advertiser, and Events Coordinator
[Voice of the Voiceless] - Bar Owner

If you want to join apply to theThe Mafia Family, if questions talk to the Don[Lust] or the Vice Don [Blinded Seraphim]. Please try and make sure you know what you want to specialize in before you apply! Once joined please visit EP Mafia banners and read the rules at EP Mafia rules. Also enjoy some of the new activities around and have fun!
So for those who need baby steps:
1) Read the list of "Available Positions"
2) Figure out what you want to be.
3) Talk to [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]

If unsure of where you wish to apply, talk to [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]

If you feel they have not answered you talk to the Don and find out why you are not on the list.

Available Positions

The Elfpack Mafia Hospital Guard
Weapon expert
(please specify)
Head Mafia Goon
Dr. Death's assistants
Tracker/Problem solver
Political adviser
Undercover Operator
Getaway Driver
Others of Demolition
Medical Assistants

To make sure no one ends up kicked out of the mafia we are asking for the members to be at least 15-16 and fairly mature. We dont want dumbass' running around. Thank you for your time.

The Mafia World

EP Mafia Banners located here.
EP Mafia Photos - The Elfpack Mafia photo gallery.
EP Mafia Rules located here.
Want somewhere to hang out visit the EP Mafia Bar.
EP Mafia War We want war.
Missions? The Elfpack Missions
The Elfpack Mafia Gym
Some one sick or hurt? The Elfpack Mafia Hospital
The strip Club

The Mafia Polls
Vote to help with the growth of the mafia.

Mafia News

[We also need people to suply ][Lust][ with pictures of - You looking mafia tough, being a hot mafia member, your mafia car, and how you love the mafia! Prize's are being decided!]



Starting December 10th until Jan 7th get the best X-mass picture you can, can be dirty, mafia-ish, cute, what ever you think will win the contest!
And then we will start a "trophy room" and you will be the first winner!
See more at Mafia contests

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2006-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heheheh, I like evil versions of Santa Clause...

2006-12-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD

2006-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heheheh, watch the movie "Santas Slay". Santa Claus is actually the Devil's son, but he loses a bet to Jesus, so he has to be good for 1,000 years. But, then the bet is up, so he starts killing people.

2006-12-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ...that's like blasphemy....

2006-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: only for those who cant laugh at themselves and what they believe in.

2006-12-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: What's there to laugh at...

2006-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: uuuumm, santa claus is the son of the devil, loses a bet to jesus, and has to be nice, then starts killing people? dont know about you, but that tickles me a bit.

2006-12-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Ok.....>> *runs off*

2006-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: and, Goldberg (professional wrestler) played Santa Claus!

2006-12-06 [Frosty French Fry]: sounds pretty stupid to and stupid, like most movies like that are...... Does anyone else notice that all the horror/slasher movies that are coming out these days are pretty much the same plot line. I dont watch any for that reason. I laugh every time someone gets killed. "Oh I heard a noise, LETS go investigate" *hack hack slash splatter*
or all your friends are missing and you hear footsteps "Mike is that you?? *walk walk walk* MIKE!?!?! *walk walk walk* *victim runs to the hallway* OH MIKE!! IM SO GL!! *victim screams* *hack hack splatter* 

They distract you from noticing the same plot with all the damn gore

2006-12-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: and why is it that the first person to die is either black or a blonde chick ?

2006-12-06 [angelicdeath]: well its a tradition either the token black guys is dumb or too loud or its the blonde girl with overlly huge fake breasts that goes because she was caught doingsomething naughty.... typical slasher movie

2006-12-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD I know, If I seen my friend laying there dead, Fuck that I'm running!

2006-12-06 [fazz]: lol i was tryin to speak like an italian

2006-12-06 [Lust]: *shakes her head*

2006-12-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh, that actually kind of makes sense now

2006-12-06 [fazz]: lol dosent sound as good on tha computer

2006-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: rule number one for surviving a horror movie: never investigate, just get a group together, and drive away.

2006-12-08 [Frosty French Fry]: yep

2006-12-08 [fazz]: lol thats the smartest thing ive heard all day

2006-12-08 [Lust]: I can fly o.O

2006-12-08 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: alright, or if you're the don, fly away

2006-12-09 [Lust]: o.O.... Ger's! I need to rant. Okay me and my bf havnt spent a weekend together for like 2 months. And this was going to be our weekend together! And then he was all like.. "Oh yeah I'm haning out with my friend this weekend!" I was like... OUCH! And the reason we picked this weekend was cuz of we wont be able to for a few weekends until like way after x-mass! And now I'm depressed.

2006-12-09 [DeeJay™]: go give him a clip round the earhole! :P

2006-12-09 [fazz]: or better yet kill his mate, that way he cant spend the weekend with his mate

if u want his mate whaked just give me a call

2006-12-09 [Lust]: Ha ha, nah. I'm just not going to talk to him until he figures out how mad I really am at him.

2006-12-09 [fazz]: lol ok but just remember, that im here if u need me

2006-12-09 [Lust]:


Starting December 10th until Jan 7th get the best X-mass picture you can, can be dity, mafia-ish, cute, what ever you think will win the contest!
And then we will start a "trophy room" and you will be the first winner!

2006-12-09 [fazz]: o i wanna go

2006-12-09 [Voice of the Voiceless]: I wanna be the barman..o.o

2006-12-09 [fazz]: lol what barman

2006-12-09 [Lust]: PRATICIPATE!

2006-12-09 [fazz]: ERRRRRR *DRULES*

what the hell does that mean

2006-12-10 [W!ld KAT]: yo yall, i'm gonna be back more often now if anyone cares,....

2006-12-12 [Wendy]: Oooo! Contest! How fun! I look forward to the pictures. <3

2006-12-12 [fazz]: lol yeh me 2 i might even make a pic

2006-12-12 [Lust]: You better! It will suck if no one gets pictures!

2006-12-12 [fazz]: lol true....but minell probably be shite

2006-12-12 [Lust]: o.O nah!

2006-12-12 [fazz]: so how do i enter a pic

2006-12-12 [Lust]: Take a x-mass picture you think will win, and upload it to elfpack, then give it to me.

2006-12-13 [fazz]: ok wi will try 2 do that

2006-12-13 [Voice of the Voiceless]: What if I don't wanna :P lol jk

2006-12-13 [fazz]: that aint funny........jk it was really lol

2006-12-13 [Voice of the Voiceless]: <img:img/mood/5_1116340188.jpg> You think your funny don't you..*pulls out cement shoes*

2006-12-13 [Lust]: Please do. If this one goes well that means that other contests will as well and I will keep them coming

2006-12-13 [Voice of the Voiceless]: I can't right now...<img:stuff/sademote.gif> I don't have a camera

2006-12-13 [Lust]: o.O...

2006-12-14 [fazz]: that sucks

2006-12-14 [DeeJay™]: so what kinda stuff do you want for the contest [Lust]?

2006-12-14 [fazz]: cristmassy stuff id expect

2006-12-14 [Lust]: Something with you - and you think would win, and is apropriate for kids to look at =P (not like my house...) =P

2006-12-14 [DeeJay™]: *drools* i see what you mean! <img:mood10_gif.gif>

2006-12-14 [Lust]: O.o......

2006-12-14 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *wears a black dress hat* lol

2006-12-15 [fazz]: lol

2006-12-15 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *dances the jig of death*

2006-12-15 [fazz]: oooh teach me tha gig of death

2006-12-15 [Lust]: *watches*

2006-12-15 [fazz]: cummon

2006-12-15 [Lust]: *Plays dance dance revolution* WEE!

2006-12-16 [fazz]: what the hells that

2006-12-16 [Lust]: You dont know?

2006-12-16 [fazz]: nope

2006-12-16 [Wendy]: I must respectfully decline a position in the Elfpack Mafia. Thank you all for the fun and memories.

2006-12-16 [Lust]: Umm.. Okay?

2006-12-16 [W!ld KAT]: what happened to miss wendy?

2006-12-16 [Lust]: I think she left because of my pictures in my house. With out bothering to talk to me about them.

2006-12-16 [Frosty French Fry]: why would she do that?!

2006-12-16 [W!ld KAT]: miss wendy is.....different,...she's very spontaneous. dont you remember when she left the first time? she just got tired of everyone one fighting all the time, you never know, this may be a similar situation.

2006-12-16 [Lust]: I wish she would of talked to me. I maybe would of done something. Oh well, I cant change anything or her mind really.
BUT ...
Let us change the subject to a more cheary one?

2006-12-16 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: uuuummm, I'm dating? Cheery enough?

2006-12-16 [Lust]: So am I!!!

2006-12-16 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wooot! then again, who I'm dating and who you're dating are two entirely different people.

2006-12-17 [W!ld KAT]: hooray! we're all dating!

2006-12-17 [Lust]: O.O... Maybe its the same person.. *scared*

2006-12-17 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: no, i actually know my girlfriend, and none of you are her.

2006-12-18 [Lust]: I actually know my bf... And he only uses a computer for games, no sites, well he has myspace but last time he was on was like 5 months ago o.O

2006-12-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeah, but my girlfriend is simply amazing, she's everything I need to get through the day... *goes off and daydreams*

2006-12-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: awwww, how sweet<img:mood10_gif.gif>

2006-12-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeah, she's my only softspot...

2006-12-18 [Love like Winter.]: OMG, you have a soft spot?? :P

2006-12-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: cept the one in your head XD

2006-12-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *twitch* yes, I do. You'll be lucky if you ever see it.

2006-12-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: oh crap<img:c-gif.gif>

2006-12-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ........I'm gonna die alone XD

2006-12-18 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: .........probably

2006-12-18 [Blinded Seraphim]: certainly<img:shadN-gif.gif>

2006-12-18 [Lust]: THATS MEAN! You guys! Seash....

2006-12-18 [W!ld KAT]: awww,...guys, it's not nice to pick on the lonely ones,.....wait till valentines day to do that

2006-12-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: I don't care XD

2006-12-18 [W!ld KAT]: aww, but we love you!

2006-12-18 [fazz]: we love who

2006-12-18 [Lust]: Noo that's also mean!
My bf's best friend's b-day is on V day! I'm angered I wont get ALL his attention =P

2006-12-18 [W!ld KAT]: i'm sorry hunn,...who by the way stole my name from forever ago,....

2006-12-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: What?

2006-12-18 [Lust]: Eh, I have an obsession with the seven deadly sin's and lust seems to suit me all so to fine right now

2006-12-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Ok

2006-12-18 [W!ld KAT]: eh,...its cool,..names come and names go but where would we be without peanut butter?

2006-12-18 [Voice of the Voiceless]: .....What are you talking about

2006-12-19 [Lust]: CHOCOLATE!

2006-12-19 [W!ld KAT]: hooray!!

2006-12-20 [fazz]: lol cool

2006-12-20 [W!ld KAT]: schweet

2006-12-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i'll assume we all like music of the rock persuation, so i have to ask- are we a group o' Metal Heads, or Classic Rock Junkies? I myself am a Classic Rock Junkie.

2006-12-20 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Is my sn clear enough? lol

2006-12-20 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yeeah, I guessed your answer.

2006-12-20 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD lmao

2006-12-20 [W!ld KAT]: i'm both!!

2006-12-20 [Lust]: I'm techno... Its okay, I'm a loner...

2006-12-20 [Voice of the Voiceless]: Ooo Now you can't label me lol

2006-12-20 [W!ld KAT]: lolz

2006-12-21 [Blinded Seraphim]: no one can label me...they all ran out of sticky notes XD

2006-12-21 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD lol

2006-12-21 [W!ld KAT]: whee!!

2006-12-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: my nickname's frenchie. Guess why.

2006-12-21 [W!ld KAT]: oooo, cuz you come from france?

2006-12-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: noo, i'm a quarter french... half irish, only a quarter french. (and a quarter German)

2006-12-21 [W!ld KAT]: but you come from france?

2006-12-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: 17:35:11 Ultimate King: noo, i'm a quarter french... half irish, only a quarter french. (and a quarter German)

2006-12-21 [Frosty French Fry]: im 1/2 german, 1/2 polish, 1/16 american indian, some prussian and a tidbit brit

2006-12-21 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: wait, that doesnt add up right...

2006-12-21 [Frosty French Fry]: haha...well I dont know the exact numbers at I always say that..

2006-12-22 [Lust]: I'm adopted o.O

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: my adopted ex girlfriend knew her nationalities. somehow...

2006-12-22 [Lust]: Their is a cheat that explains the birth mother a bit, but nothing about the father, well, she may of her fathers, but my record didnt have much on it unlike most people. *sighs sadly* I dont think I'm going to look for her.

2006-12-22 [W!ld KAT]: wow,....but part of you comes from france then, no?

2006-12-22 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: none of me comes from france, me ancestors may have though. not like i had an arm or two shipped in

2006-12-23 [W!ld KAT]: i know,...but some piece of your history or background comes from france!

2006-12-23 [fazz]: hey whats every 1 chattin about

2006-12-24 [Blinded Seraphim]: i am half squirrel!

2006-12-24 [W!ld KAT]: i wish i was a chicken,....

2006-12-24 [Lust]: goble goble?

2006-12-24 [fazz]: errrrrrr What

2006-12-24 [Lust]: Guess what! It's allmost x-mass! And we have only had three fightsin our household! We are doing awesome this year!

2006-12-25 [fazz]: lol wickid

2006-12-26 [Deadly Pacifist]: i avoid fights... have xmas alone... just go to relatives to open presents... worked pretty good this year :P NEW COMICS.. NEW 360 GAME YAAY.

2006-12-26 [Lust]: That be lonely..

2006-12-27 [fazz]: yeh and no fun

2006-12-30 [Deadly Pacifist]: by alone i meant with significant others... and had a very good xmas

2006-12-30 [Lust]: ^-^ That is very good

2006-12-31 [Blinded Seraphim]: so...was everyone satisfied with their christmas?

2006-12-31 [Lust]: Yeah! Hmm.. Ohh ahh new thingy! Ohhh ahhhh! ^-^

2006-12-31 [Frosty French Fry]: You like???

2007-01-05 [Lust]: Yeahh *nods*

2007-01-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: WOOT WOOT! XD

2007-01-05 [Lust]: Mmmm driving for 7 hours is hard. I dont really like it blah!

2007-01-05 [Blinded Seraphim]: i had to ride for 7 hours -_- needless to say i got alot of sleep X{

2007-01-05 [Lust]: I wish I could of slept! My back and arms were killing me and my leg was cramping up! Man it sucked!
So how was everyone's x-mass and new years? Lets hear some storys!

2007-01-05 [fazz]: hey every 1

2007-01-06 [Pockyhead! (The one and only ^.^)]: Hello! ^.^

2007-01-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: I worked ten hours today!! my feet HUUURT!!!

2007-01-06 [Pockyhead! (The one and only ^.^)]: then sit down kingster

2007-01-06 [Lust]: That would hurt! Where do you work?

2007-01-06 [W!ld KAT]: i'm engaged if anyone cares!!!

2007-01-06 [DeeJay™]: congrats! :)

2007-01-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gasp* CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 

and, I work at Wendy's

2007-01-06 [W!ld KAT]: thanks guys

2007-01-07 [Invader Havoc]: Hi everyone whats going on?
congrats Juggalette, I am too!!! I hope you and him are happy

And not that anyone here remembers me, but the reason I haven't been on in so long is I was at my Dad's and he had no int. now I am at my own place and thats the first thing I got lol

2007-01-07 [W!ld KAT]: congrats to you too hunni welcome back!

2007-01-07 [Invader Havoc]: thanx
I MISSED this place!

2007-01-07 [Blinded Seraphim]: yay! so many people engaged! how special

2007-01-08 [Invader Havoc]: its contagious... WATCH OUT HAPPILY SINGLE PEOPLE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH

2007-01-08 [W!ld KAT]: yup yup! lolz

2007-01-08 [Voice of the Voiceless]: o.O

2007-01-08 [Invader Havoc]: I'm so weird, aren't I? [this is the part where normal people back away from me slowly lol]

2007-01-08 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *Steps closer*

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Counts shiny things, not even listening to the warning* One shiny, two shiny...

2007-01-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *juggles knives*

2007-01-09 [Voice of the Voiceless]: XD lmfao *steals one of antons shiny things*

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: MY SHINY! *Steals the shiny back* three shiny, four shiny...

2007-01-09 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *Takes the fourth shiny* XD Mine...*throws it in a sewer*

2007-01-09 [Blinded Seraphim]: *Pulls another out of his pocket* four shiny, five shiny, six shiny XP

2007-01-09 [Voice of the Voiceless]: *slices all your pockets with a meat clever* Shinys!

2007-01-10 [Lust]: O.o........ Children!

2007-01-10 [Pockyhead! (The one and only ^.^)]: oi vay...

2007-01-10 [W!ld KAT]: shineys!!!! whee!!! *steals some an hides em in her room*

2007-01-10 [Blinded Seraphim]: no more shinies...oh well! *climbs up in a tree and falls asleep*

2007-01-11 [Invader Havoc]: hahahaha
*looks into tree* I could never do that... I'd fall asleep, then I'd toss and turn right out... I dont sleep on top bunks either lol

2007-01-11 [Blinded Seraphim]: in my bed is lofted, kinda like a bunk bed, but no bottom bunk

2007-01-11 [Lust]: o.O.... I have a bunk at the cabin, but I dont move around lots

2007-01-12 [Invader Havoc]: luckies! I found out I can't sleep on top bunks the hard way... except I didn't wake up right away... I am a heavy sleeper... but the next morning I was in a TON of pain

2007-01-12 [Frosty French Fry]: Yes I put 2 bullet divider thingys up...Im working on some different ones also, but I wanted to see which one yall liked more

2007-01-12 [Blinded Seraphim]: very nice

2007-01-12 [W!ld KAT]: happy birfday to [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]

2007-01-12 [Lust]: We can have both?

2007-01-12 [fazz]: hey every 1

2007-01-16 [W!ld KAT]: katy got accepted to baylor!!!

2007-01-16 [Voice of the Voiceless]: o.O?

2007-01-17 [fazz]: is that good

2007-01-17 [Invader Havoc]: congrats!

2007-01-17 [Lust]: O.o I are confused, and bloaded on a blue cow, YUMMEH!

2007-01-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: u are confused i are baboon *whispers* beware the bears are coming they are evil bears with black fingers and disturbing faces..... disturbing.... seriously.

2007-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: fuckin pandas

2007-01-19 [Lust]: o.O..... I like chocolate?

2007-01-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: pandas disturbing me.... they make you think "o what a nice little panda eating bamboo" then you go flick it in the nose and for no FREAKING reason RAWR attacked.... and pain... i dont enjoy the whole attack thing... aint very cool in my book.

2007-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: French Fry?

2007-01-19 [Deadly Pacifist]: with carrots?

2007-01-19 [Frosty French Fry]: noo you know what really sucks! Is when the fuckin chimpmunks act all harmless, runnin around with food in their mouth and shit...and then when you least expect..those little fuckers attack

2007-01-19 [Lust]: My friend was chaced by one, a chimpmunk, and we were all watching, it was hallarious!

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